this skin mod is great if your sim uses the fitness skill a ton because it makes six packs on sims look so much more detailed and realistic. It will add tons of detail to both their body and their faces, making them look so smooth and realistic. but these limitations can all be solved by using the sims 4 sliders and slider mods! these tools will give you the freedom to edit your sims in ways you thought impossible. there are many obstacles that stand between you and your ideal sim. creating your sim in sims 4 is never perfect. Sims 4 slider mods: a must have list to step up your gameplay. some of the sliders included in this slider set include hip dips, ankle sliders, and thigh sliders so you can really change up the look of your sim’s body.

this set of body sliders is really great because it adds more than one option at a time which is great for your mods folder. kitty259’s mod features 54 new skin tones for all kinds of sims or aliens.

the new skins for your sims and aliens set is a useful mod for fans of all sorts of special and extraordinary skin tones. lets start with our first item in our sims 4 body mods overview. the most popular sims 4 body mods listed new skins for your sims and aliens set.