A compendium of all sorts of records set in Australia and elsewhere, which will bring fun to an otherwise dull lunchtime or last five minutes of a lesson. A 20-foot-radius sphere of blackness and bitter cold appears, centered on a point with range and lasting for the duration. Billy doesn’t go anywhere without his large red book - Professor Abacus Abernathe’s Compendium of Heroes, Adventurers and Other Intrepid Travelers. He functions as the deus ex machina of the book not only does he set events in motion, he also has an almost magical ability to pull just the right story out for the strangers he meets - mainly from “Professor Abacus Abernathe’s Compendium of Heroes, Adventurers, and Other Intrepid Travelers” - a gift from the Morgen town librarian.On the long and winding railway journey, the brothers encounter characters like the scabrous Pastor John and an endearing WWII vet named Ulysses, and Billy's constant companion, a book titled Professor Abacus Abernathe's Compendium of Heroes, Adventures, and Other Intrepid Travelers, provides parallel story lines of epic events and heroic.This book - which mixes mythical with real-life heroes (all male by the way) in its A to Z collection - serves as a kind of Greek chorus for the action as Billy pores over the pages