Anti materiel rifle new vegas
Anti materiel rifle new vegas

This can be taken from the Lonesome Drifter near the Sunset Sarsaparilla sign, which is north of El Dorado Gas & Service. Oh boy! This gun is incredibly strong, and as a machine gun, it is simple for the player to pray and spray fairly well against difficult enemies. Along with the gun over 7,000 caps can be found. The weapon can also be found behind a locked gate in Bloodbourne Cave requiring a lockpick skill of 100 to break into.

anti materiel rifle new vegas

For the most part, it can be purchased from merchants, such as the Gun Runners or the Brotherhood of Steel. Suit+top hat+Vance's submachine gun=2 cool. The gun itself is rather strong, but when paired with Benny’s suit (Which the player can acquire by blowing Benny’s face off), the player can have a wannabe gangster of their very own! The player, with a high lockpick skill of 100 can break into the safe to steal this gun, or with certain speech functions and a speech skill of 55 can talk the two into giving up the gun eventually. The home is lived in by Pauline and Sammy Wins wannabe gangsters. Upon talking to the cowboy robot in Primm, if the player has a science skill of 30, they can hack the robot and find the hidden files on the robot, which direct the player to Wins Hideout, an unmarked location on the Pipboy’s map. Yet, the player only finds a shattered display case. This gun was originally in a case in the Vicki and Vance Casino (Where else!?) in Primm. Vance, of Vicki and Vance, the famous crime committing duo! Even though the two are an obvious allusion Bonnie and Clyde, still a neat addition to the game. The sniper also does a considerable amount of damage compared to the rest of the sniper rifles in the game. Almost 100% you can effectively and quickly hit your target. At full condition, and when not using VATs, this sniper kicks ass. As long as the player has a lockpick skill of 100, this is a rather easy to acquire machine. The player needs a lockpick skill of 100 to open the chest containing this sniper rifle.

anti materiel rifle new vegas anti materiel rifle new vegas

This can be found in the Sniper’s Nest, which is in the lower right hand corner of the map. Meet me after the jump to read more of my nerdgasm! I may have Maria, but I still don’t have a girlfriend. I have pretty much every gun in the game, so I know me some guns. Even though the energy weapons are fun, it’s difficult to buy enough ammo for the energy weapons when the entire Van Graff family is dead. Among discovering every location in the game, I have also spent my time collecting a large arsenal of good and customized weapons. Hello Fallout fans! I have been playing New Vegas nonstop recently.

Anti materiel rifle new vegas